Create New Chatbot

Creating your first AI chatbot and embed it on website

If you have not created a free account yet, now is the time to create one before continue. Otherwise, follow the step by step below:

1- Create a Chatbot

After you log in, you should see the link to view My Chatbots on the top right menu as in the picture. Click on that link to see the page where you can create a new chatbot by click on the button Add New Create Chatbot

After click on that Add New button, there should be a popup form to enter a name of yout bot. You can change it later.

Create Chatbot

2- Import Content

After creating a new chatbot you should land on the training page as in the picture blow. If not, this page can be access from My Chatbots page too.

Import content to Chatbot

As seen on this picture, you can enter a website and check the option to scall all links or just a single link. Click "Fetch Link" button to execute the action.

3- Training Chatbot

Now that the content has been imported, it's time to train by clicking on the button Train Chatbot as in the picture. Then wait a bit. When it's done, you will see the status of the training.

Training Chatbot

4- Try your chatbot

Click on the Console tab to see the chatbot console where you can test and change some setting if needed.

Chatbot console

Click on the button Embed Code For Website to see the popup where you can copy the code.

Chatbot console

5- Example of embedding code

Here is an example of embedding the code in a HTML page. The code is placed at bottom by the body tag.

Chatbot console

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